1) Save the date: Re-Bestrahlungsworkshop am Ordensklinikum Linz 14./15. May 2020
There is an increasing interest in Re-Irradiation for local tumor control.
Because the combination with superficial hyperthermia allows for reduced re-irradiation doses - as shown by Notter M, Piazena H, Vaupel P 2017 - heckel will be a silver sponsor and will be present at the exhibition.
2) Whole-Body Hyperthermia at DGHT Congress 20./21. September 2019 in Berlin
▲Dr. Sebastian Zschaeck, from Charité University Berlin, Department of Radiooncology, reviewed the clinical data of fever-range WBH, emphasizing the need for more clinical studies, also planned at Charité University.
▲Dr. Stefan Hiller and Brigitte Deckers, from Filderklinik near Stuttgart, gave an overview of the principles of integrative oncology in an anthroposophic hospital and reported their use of fever-range whole-body hyperthermia.
It is used in palliative, as well as in adjuvant settings, usually approximately 1 treatment per month. Main aims are the mitigation of side-effects of chemotherapy and the stimulation of anti-cancer immune surveillance.
3) Hyperthermia at Medizinische Woche Baden-Baden 30.10. - 03.11. 2019
Friday, 01.11.2019
09:00 - 12:30 Uhr - Kongresssaal I (1. floor)
Sunday, 03.11.201909:00 - 12:45, Kongresssaal III (2.OG)
11:00 - 12:30 onkologische "fever-range" Ganzkörperhyperthermie GERMAN LANGUAGE
- 11:00 - 11:30 Kleef/Wien: Coley remembered – back to the roots. Fever therapy of cancer in the light of modern immunology
- 11:30 - 12:00 Hübenthal/Zürich: Ganzkörper-Hyperthermie in der onkologischen Tagesklinik
- 12:00 - 12.30 Santos Martin/Grenollers (Spanien): Immunologische Daten zur Beurteilung der Effektivität der Ganzkörperhyperthermie. Kasuistiken
Visit the heckel booth UG-23!
4) Presentation of Complete Response of Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer at CICON 2019 Immunotherapy Conference in Paris by Kleef R et al.
It is evident that fever-range hyperthermia cannot act as a monotherapy in cancer therapy, but can probably significantly increase the effects of other immunotherapies. The new approach of a multi-modular therapy, including dose-reduced checkpoint inhibitors and fever-range whole-body hyperthermia, might be one example where one of the most ancient immune stimulating therapies could find its place in modern cancer therapy.
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