1) Combined superficial hyperthermia and radiotherapy for skin tumors.There are numerous publications and a meta-analysis on the efficacy of combined superficial hyperthermia and radiotherapy in the treatment of locally recurrent breast cancer. SCHWEIZER ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ONKOLOGIE 1/2019
2) Thermography-controlled wIRA superficial hyperthermia with hydrosun®-TWH1500 new in Radiooncology Bremen
Pre-irradiated chest wall recurrences and other superficial tumors can now also be treated with combined hyperthermia and radiotherapy at Strahlentherapie Bremen. Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Mirko Nitsche, Radio Oncologist and physician responsible for hyperthermia at the institution, explains the new therapeutic option: "By using hyperthermia, we are able to significantly reduce the dosage of radiotherapy and by means of that treat even patients where a reirradiation with classical dosage would be contraindicated due to cumulative toxicity". ▲Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Mirko Nitsche and the radiographers Tabea Wilhelms and Vera Jamroszczyk
Bremen is the fourth location to employ the new technique, after Lindenhofspital Bern, University Medical Center, Dept of Radiooncology Freiburg/Breisgau and Academic Medical Center Amsterdam. Meanwhile the treatment method is also available at Strahlentherapie am Maximiliansplatz in Munich, more information about that in the next issue of heckelnews.
The first user meeting on wIRA superficial hyperthermia took place on March 22-23, 2019 in Engelberg/Switzerland. The participants agrees on the need for a hiogh scientific standard and discussed the basics of a prospective clinical study.
3) STM Annual Meeting April 28 to May 2, 2019 St. Pete Beach/Florida: Program is online.
Program of the Annual Meeting of Society for Thermal Medicine (STM) is online.
heckel is a "silver sponsor" and will be present with a booth.
4) In memoriam Thomas Muffler
On March 19th, 2019 Thomas Muffler passed away unexpectedly at age 66.
As a co-founder of Celsius42+ he had been for years the face of the company, as well as a dedicated salesman in the best way, engaged, reliable, with style and humor.
Company heckel had completely stopped distribution of capacitive hyperthermia devices in 2006, and thus there has never been any business relationship between heckel and Celsius42+. That did not do any harm to the friendly relationship we had with Thomas Muffler, in fact it was the opposite. Frequently we shared our opinions on various developments and persons in the field of hyperthermia. We from heckel and I personally will miss him a lot.
본 게시물은 독일 heckel gmbH.에서 발행한 뉴스레터의 내용입니다.
Celsius42+ gmbH.의 설립자이자, 고인이 되신 토마스 무플러 사장님의 명복을 빕니다. heckel사와의 오랜 시간 우정의 시간을 보내오셨듯, 저희 바이오메디신(주)와도 2008년부터 오랜 인연의 시간을 보낸 토마스 무플러 사장님께서 향년 66세로, 지난 2019년 3월 별세하셨습니다.
훌륭한 사업 파트너였고 멋진 세일즈맨이셨던 Thomas Muffler사장님과의 오랜 우정과 함께 했던 사업을 기억하며, 그분의 평화와 안식을 빕니다.