[heckel NEWS LETTER] 2018년 9월호

관리자 2018.09.17 조회 949
1) Annual OEGRO meeting on 28.-29. September 2018 in Salzburg

General information on the Annual Meeting of Austrian Society for Radiooncology:  http://www.oegro2018.at/

Friday, 28.09.2018, 13:00 – 13:40 Proffered Papers: Mammakarzinom
13:20 – 13:30 M. Notter, P. Vaupel: Advanced locally recurrent breast cancer (LRBC): The potential of re-irradiation and thermography-controlled superficial wIRA-hyperthermia

The superficial hyperthermia device hydrosun®-TWH1500 is presented at the heckel booth at the industrial exhibition (Nr.14). More information on this device:

2) Switzerland: a model for reimbursement of superficial hyperthermia in Germany?

In a new publication of "Schweizer Krebsbulletin" NR Datta, S Bodis, and E Puric from Kantonsspital Aarau give an overview on various hyperthermia techniques and explain the Swiss solution of reimbursement. The Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) has approved the reimbursement of superficial hyperthermia for the following indications without any restrictions:

- recurrent breast cancer
- inoperable lymph node metastasis in head neck cancers
- Malignant Melanoma
- local residual tumour with compression symptoms

For deep hyperthermia, the BAG has approved of the indications for cervical cancer, LAPC, soft tissue sarcoma, MIBC, and rectal cancer for a 2-year period with a reassessment by December 2018.
It is mandatory that patients are presented to a Hyperthermia Tumour Board of the participating institutions. As of March 2018 the indication of hyperthermia has been confirmed in 113 out of 132 presented patients, of which 81 received superficial hyperthermia, most of them for recurrent breast cancer:

Datta NR, Bodis S, Puric E: Swiss Hyperthermia Clinical and research Activities: Integrating with Radiation Therapy. Schweizer Krebsbulletin Nr. 3/2018
The complete publication can be downloaded at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327440877/download

Lindenhofspital Bern is part of this network and is pioneering thermography-controlled hyperthermia using water-filtered infrared-A:

It is also one of the most important Swiss providers of superficial hyperthermia.

In Germany superficial hyperthermia is not regularly reimbursed by public insurance due to an out-of-date assessment from 2005. The Swiss model of evidence assessment and quality assurance could act as an example for Germany.

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