[heckel NEWS LETTER] 2021년 2월호

관리자 2021.02.25 조회 570
1) Letter to the Editor von M Notter, A Thomsen, AL Grosu, P Vaupel in Integrative Cancer Therapies: "Recommendation of Regional Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Breast Cancer"
A "Letter to the Editor" von Notter et al. comments on "A narrative review of regional hyperthermia: updates from 2010 to 2019" published by Fiorentini et al. in "Integrative Cancer Therapies". The authors criticize too general recommendations of the review. They share the view of Fiorentini et al. that “hyperthermia has never gained enough interest among oncologists to become a standard therapy in clinical practice.” However, they "proclaim that the key to build up credibility of hyperthermia will be a careful stratification and analysis of disease stages and treatment results".

One should at least separate:
① irresectable preirradiated locally recurrent breast cancer (LRBC): Strong recommendation for combined hyperthermia/radiotherapy with reduced doses
② irresectable primary breast cancer and LRBC in sites without previous irradiation: Radiotherapy alone using classical doses is an accepted treatment option. Nevertheless, combined HT/RT using reduced doses could be considered and might be advantageous in individual cases.
③ metastatic disease: Since only few data are available supporting such a treatment, the authors would currently hesitate to give any recommendation.
The Response of Fiorentini et al. was published in the same edition.

2) New pre-clinical data on anti-viral effects of fever-range whole-body hyperthermia
Fever temperatures improve survival and shorten disease duration in microbial infections. Chinese and American scientists report an animal trial with mice infected with the virus of influenza. Additonal application of hyperthermia (39,5°C) resulted in a reduced weight loss and 25% more survival. The authors conclude that fever-range hyperthermia promotes cGAS-STING pathway to cause increased expression of IFN-β and mediate its antiviral effects.

The article
Inam Ullah Khan, Gabriel Brooks, Nina Ni Guo, Junsong Chen & Fang Guo (2021) Fever-range hyperthermia promotes cGAS-STING pathway and synergizes DMXAA-induced antiviral immunity, International Journal of Hyperthermia, 38:1, 30-37, DOI: 10.1080/02656736.2020.1868582 is open access.

3)IN GERMAN LANGUAGE: Online-Symposium: "Hyperthermie in der Onkologie" anlässlich der Einführung der Oberflächenhyperthermie im Ordensklinikum Linz - 18.03.2021
Ordensklinikum Linz has introduced thermography-controlled wIRA superficial hyperthermia in November 2020. On this occasion, they invite to a virtual Hyperthermie-Symposium in GERMAN LANGUAGE with well-known speakers on superficial and deep hyperthermia on Thursday, 18.03.2021, 18:00 - 20:00.
Registration here.

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