1) Comment by Notter et al. on Kronenfeld et al. 2021, published in Cancers and proposal of international cooperation on treatment strategies for radiation-associated angiosarcoma of the breast Almost simultaneously with the article „Notter M et al: Radiation-Associated Angiosarcoma of the Breast an...
1) International Congress on Hyperthermic Oncology ICHO 2021 DIGITAL 06.-08. Oktober 2021 - attractive program For the complete program, click here, for the program booklet here. Sessions including contributions from heckel whole-body hyperthermia users are: 08.10.2021 - 15:30-16:15 Plenary session I...
1) ICHO-Webinar presented by heckel: "Progress of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer” - Full length record available In May 2021, a successful ICHO-Webinar took place on "Progress of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer (LRBC)". The Webinar i...
1)ICHO-Webinar presented by heckel - May 20th, 2021, 6 p.m.: "Progress of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer" We are happy to invite you to an ICHO-Webinar on May 20th, 2021 at 6.00 p.m. until. 7:15 p.m. (CEST = UTC +2) on "Progress of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Lo...
[의료&복지뉴스 2021년 2월 17일 기사 발췌] 바이오메디신, 공기청정‧살균 '신아바이오' 출시 바이오메디신㈜은 환자들이 안전하게 입원생활을 할 수 있도록 각종 바이러스, 박테리아 살균기능을 크게 강화한 공기살균기 ‘신아바이오(Shinah Bio)’를 출시해 병원에 공급한다. 이번에 출시하는 신아바이오 공기살균기는...
WIRA(위라)필터를 사용하는 hydrosun750을 이용한 '척추관절염 치료 통증감소 '무작위 임상시험' 결과가 2020년, 국제온열학회지(International Journal of Hyperthermia)에 게재되었습니다! 저널의 내용은 회원자료실 > clinical study 게시판을 이용해 주세요!